3 Ways to speed up your Computer’s Boot time

3 Ways to speed up your Computer’s Boot time

By Jeandre de Beer / Kim Komando




As computers age, they naturally slow down – especially when they’re starting up. It’s just a fact.

It isn’t a fact you have to live with, though. There are some simple steps you can take to speed up a slow-booting computer. 

Now, the reason startup gets slow is that there’s too much information for the computer to load at once.

So, you need to trim the fat. These simple steps are the knife.


1. Ditch the non-essentials


Your computer is loading a whole bunch of programs at start-up. Some, like your security programs, are crucial. Other programs, maybe not so much.

Go to Start>>All Programs>>Start-up. Any programs or files in this folder will start when you turn your computer on. Simple delete the program or file icon to stop it from starting.

If you find a program you never use, you might as well just remove it completely. You can use Windows’ built-in uninstaller.

Of course, the Start-up folder isn’t the only place programs run from. You can use another free program Autoruns to find the rest.

It lists the programs set to start during boot and what each program does. It even knows enough not to remove essential programs like your security software.

I recommend disabling programs before you decide to remove them. That way if you accidentally disable something you need, you can easily turn it back on again.



2. Delay the start-up of  some programs


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5 Things every computer user needs to know

5 Things every Computer User needs to know 

By Jeandre de Beer  / Kim Komando

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A good number of computer users think the answer to the tech problems they encounter is to ignore the symptoms, upgrade to fancier software or buy a new computer.

Here are five things that won’t turn you into a tech guru overnight, but they’ll keep your computer running fast, make you more productive and save you tons of frustration. Best of all, they won’t cost you a cent.

If you’re the tech support person for your family and friends, be sure to share this with them. You’ll get more work done if your mailbox doesn’t fill up with subject lines like “Do I have a virus?” or “Help! Having Wi-Fi problems!”



1. Work faster using keyboard shortcuts


The great thing about computers is that they can work much faster than you can. But telling them what to do is often a slow process. Well, there’s a fix for that.

Say you’re ready to print a document. Instead of using the mouse to move a cursor around the screen and selecting “Print” from a drop-down menu, just hit Control+P on your keyboard.

There are dozens of keyboard shortcuts like this, from pressing Ctrl+S to instantly save the file you’re working on, to pressing Ctrl+Z to undo a delete etc.

It takes a little getting used to at first, but after you try keyboard shortcuts for a while, I guarantee that your mouse will start gathering dust.



2. Protect yourself from viruses and spyware


It’s critical that you keep your security software current. New viruses are unleashed daily. If your software is out-of-date, you aren’t protected. Malware can destabilize your computer, destroy files and steal personal information.

Every computer you own should have an antivirus program, a firewall and an anti-spyware program. Another huge threat right now is security holes in Java, a programming language used by Web browsers to run interactive content.

When a vulnerable version of Java is active in a Web browser, visiting a compromised website is all it takes for crooks to sneak malware on to your computer. In most cases, you won’t even know the site is compromised until it’s too late.

To stay safe, stop using Java — or stay on top of the upgrades.


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5 Ways to print from your Tablet or Phone

5 Ways to print from your Tablet or Phone

By Jeandre de Beer / Kim Komando

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Have you ditched your computer for a tablet? More and more people all over the country are. They’re finding that tablets and smartphones can handle basic computer tasks.

But one problem area is printing. At first, it may seem complicated if you never printed from your device before, but once it’s all set up its actually really easy.

Best part is you don’t have to fight with cables and USB drives to get your digital documents into print form.

I’ve searched for a few apps to help you in your daily work and personal life when you’re always on the go. 

When using these apps, it will help to have an Apple or Google cloud account set up. 





ThinPrint connects your computer, smartphone and tablet to wirelessly print from wherever you may be. You will need to add your printer to the cloud, and after that, you can wirelessly print from anywhere as long as your home computer is on.

It’s perfect for the on-the-go business person because you can have your documents waiting for you at the office or at home.

There’s no need to fight with your computer and printer setup when you can simply tap a button and have your documents waiting for you.





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How can you find out which programs are safe to uninstall?

How can you find out which programs are safe to uninstall?

By Jeandre de Beer / Kim Komando

uninstall 1Computers get cluttered and messy just like your car or house. In a car, junk in the engine can kill your fuel consumption – the same goes for computers.

One source of clutter on your computer is unneeded programs. Even worse, some programs seem to take over your computer.

These programs hog energy and memory, bug you with dialog boxes or pester you with ads. There’s only one thing to do – get rid of them.

Getting rid of unwanted programs helps, but you can run into all kinds of trouble if you accidentally delete a file that’s essential for your operating system.

Aside from the obvious operating system files, how do you know which programs you should remove? 

Should I Remove It? is a free program that can help you decide. It’s as simple as downloading the program and running it.

Should I Remove It? will scan your computer and make a list of the installed applications and programs.

Each program will have a status bar ranging from green to red.

But be careful! This doesn’t automatically mean you must remove the program if it’s yellow or red, or that you should keep it if it’s green.


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8 Things happening inside your computer box

8 Things happening inside your computer box

By Jeandre de Beer / Kim Komando


When your computer is working well, the parts inside work together to help you surf the Web, organize and edit photos, type documents and anything else you use it for.

Most of the times we do not think about the multiple different parts a computer has. When you do remember is when something goes wrong.

If your computer suddenly stops working and you need to purchase a new computer or upgrade your current one –  That’s when you enter a world of numbers and acronyms: CPU, RAM, eSATA, Gigabit, 802.11 … the list is endless.

Once you get past the letters and numbers, understanding what these parts actually do isn’t too hard. 


Let’s see how a computer actually works.


1. CPU 


The central processing unit is the part of the computer that “computes.” Most people just call it a CPU or processor.

The processor does the heavy lifting. It takes in numbers, does some calculations and returns other numbers.

A modern processor can do billions of calculations in a very short time. It’s hard to overstate just how amazing modern processors are; billions and billions of switches – known as transistors – crammed in a space the size of a thick postage stamp.

Many CPUs today have multi-core processors which put two or more CPU “cores” – the part that does the work – in a single CPU package. That allows us to get more performance with slower processor cores.

The benefit of more cores is better multitasking. Several cores can be working on separate tasks simultaneously. A slower multi-core processor can often accomplish more than a fast single-core processor.

The two most common types of multi-core processors are dual-core and quad-core. Dual-core processors have two cores, while quad-core processors have four. However, there are processors with as many as eight or more. 

There are two major processor manufacturers for computers: Intel and AMD.  AMD was big back in the mid 2000s, Intel has dominated the market since.





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IT Support – To Outsource or Not? 5 Things to Consider Before You Decide.

IT Support – To Outsource or Not?  5 Things to Consider Before You Decide.

by Jeandre de Beer

IT Support – To Outsource or Not?These days, almost every business in the world relies on Information Technology – in fact it can be the very backbone of your company.

So you need to ensure it works to its fullest efficiency and capacity, and supports the health and growth of your business.

The question is: Who do you trust to maintain your IT systems, and to avoid glitches and shutdowns that could have significant effects on your bottom line?

Is it best to employ IT support staff in-house, or outsource to a specialist IT support company?

Here are 5 things you need to consider before making this important decision:


 1. You Want Highly Competent and Well-Trained People


This really goes without saying, but how often do employers hire IT professionals without really knowing if they are suitable for the job? If your core business is not IT, chances are you and your managers are not IT experts.

The person you hire may have specialist knowledge in one particular area, but fall down in others.

When you outsource your IT staff, you can be sure the expert sent to the job is the right person for it. Where would you find the top IT experts?

That’s right – working for an IT company! Outsourcing ensures you get the best trained and most experienced IT professionals to work on your business.


2. It Should be Cost-Effective

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8 Key Things to look for when choosing an IT Support Company

8 Key Things to look for when choosing an IT Support Company

by Jeandre de Beer

-IT-Support-Company-SliderWhat to look for in an IT Support Company.

IT has become an integral part of our daily lives. Can you remember the last time your computer or server was down? Your stress levels seem to rise quickly just thinking about it.

Many times people will comment that they are not really sure what to look for when deciding on which IT Support Company to use.

There are so many choices – these days it seems like every second person say they can fix computers, but can you make such an important decision by just taking someone’s word for it?


So what are some points to consider before appointing an IT Support Company?


 1. Testimonials


If you know of someone that has used a computer repair company and had a good experience then that’s a good starting place.  While it won’t guarantee you will get the same service it’s better than choosing a company at random.


 2. Physical Business Address


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Can I edit a PDF file?

Is it possible to edit a PDF file? How easy is it to convert files to PDF format?

By Jeandre de Beer

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Some people like PDF files and others are not a fan, but at some point or another we all get a PDF file emailed to us. 

It’s easy to open a PDF file – since there are many free programs available to download. The most popular one is Acrobat Reader.


The problem comes when you want to edit a PDF file that you received.  The standard programs that you use to open PDF files usually does not allow you to convert them to a format that can be edited.

Is there any easy way to edit a PDF document?

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7 Most Important Keyboard Shortcuts That Saves You Time

Can Keyboard Shortcuts Really Save You Time?

By Jeandre de Beer

Keyboard Shortcuts

Have you ever thought about using keyboard shortcuts before? If they are used correctly they can speed up the most common tasks that you perform on a daily basis.

Most computer users perform the majority of functions in and around Windows using their mouse or laptop touch pad.



Many IT professionals and computer geeks can get away without using a mouse at all in Windows, but there are so many shortcuts available it’s hard for the average user to know what they are and remembering a long list of shortcut keys can quickly become overwhelming.

In this blog we will only list a few of the most widely used shortcuts that every Windows user should know about. If you spend some time to get to know them – they can be very useful.

What is the difference between Hard drive space and Memory (or RAM)?

What is the difference between Hard Drive space and Memory (or RAM)?

By Jeandre de Beer

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Many times you hear people talking about the amount of disk space or memory their computers have.

At times your IT support person may have suggested that your computer is slow due to low memory.



You then checked your hard drive space and noticed that you have more than 50% free – so how can your computer be running out of memory then?


The short answer is hard drive space or disk space is not the same as memory or RAM.


What is Memory or RAM?

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