The cost of not having reliable backups?
By Jeandre de Beer updated by Emile Greyling
We all spend a great amount of time on our computers for important personal or business dealings. There are so many stories of people who have lost all of their files due to system crashes or computer viruses.
Backups must be an essential part of your to-do list. It is imperative to store your important files in a separate location from your computer.
If you have reliable backups and your computer crashes or become infected with a virus that results in a loss of files, you will still have access to your files on backup disks which you can then restore.
Do I really need backups?
Do not fall into the trap of thinking that data loss will never happen to you. Data loss happens more regularly than you think.
Imagine for a moment that one day you go to work to find that all your company data – meaning your email, your Word and Excel documents, PDFs, databases, contact lists, accounting data, billing information, etc. – has simply vanished, permanently.
Gone is everything that makes your company what it is and that has allowed it to operate and grow as a business.
How will your company recover? Are you going to recreate years worth of data in a few months, while trying to support and manage your current business obligations?
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