Why are my email messages not being sent?

Why are my email messages not being sent?

By Jeandre de Beer

Emails 1





It’s happened to most of us – we type an important email and we hit the send button. We trust that this important email will be delivered, but later in the day we get a phone call from an angry customer asking us why we did not keep our promise to send them the info they requested.


Then we see that the email is trapped in the outbox and has never been sent.

The outbox is like a holding area where mails are stored once we hit the send button. Once the mail is forwarded to our recipient – it gets moved from the outbox to the sent items folder.

There are several reasons why an email can get stuck in the outbox.


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I accidentally deleted a file – can I get it back?

I accidentally deleted a file – can I get it back?

By Jeandre de Beer

hdd 3



What if you accidentally deleted a file you were not supposed to – can you get it back? Anyone who has used computers for a while has accidentally deleted the wrong file – we know that feeling that you get when you realize what has just happened.




What can you do?


1. Immediately stop working on your computer

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I have an Anti-Virus program – Why do I still get infected then?

I have an Anti-Virus program – Why do I still get infected then?

By Jeandre de Beer

virus 1

Many times a client asks us this question : I have an Anti-Virus program installed and I keep it updated on a regular basis. I update my Windows with the latest security patches, but I still seem to get virus infections from time to time – WHY?

This is a very good question, since so many believe that having an anti-virus program installed protects them fully from getting infected – sadly it doesn’t.

Staying protected is not easy.


In simple terms there are three components when it comes to virus infections : Read more

Why has my computer become so slow?

Why has my computer become so slow?

By Jeandre de Beer

Slow Computer



It’s very frustrating to work on a computer that seems to take minutes to open a program or respond to a task.  It adds to our stress levels when we have a slow computer and deadlines that are looming.

We still remember the time we purchased the computer – it was fast and responsive – but lately it takes forever to boot into Windows, applications are slow to open and it seems the machine is sluggish to do just about anything.


Computers gets slow for a variety of reasons : Virus or Spyware infections, out dated software, not enough memory, faulty hardware and various other reasons. Read more

Why do so many support people tell me to reboot my computer when I have a problem?

Why do so many support people tell me to reboot my computer when I have a problem?

By Jeandre de Beer


It can seem like every time you contact your IT Support person with a problem – they recommend rebooting your computer or switching it off for a minute and booting up again.

This could seem like a time waster – or as a generic reply just because the IT person does not really know what the problem is. Most of the time this is not the case – a good old reboot works surprisingly well.



Why a reboot is necessary at times

As with many electronic equipment – computers can get into an odd state at times and power cycling them  Read more

Five Easy Things You can do to Reduce Your IT Support Calls

Is it possible to reduce the amount of IT Support calls?

By Jeandre de Beer

Reduce IT Support

The short answer is, yes you can.


Companies can invest in basic end user training which could save them money in the long run.


There are a few basic steps to keep in mind to solve a few common problems :

1. A Reboot is your friend

It’s strange to see that a user’s computer works perfectly on the Friday afternoon and when he gets to work on the Monday morning they cannot print or get onto the internet – yet nothing changed over the weekend. In many cases a reboot is your friend.

There are not always a logical answer or reason for this, but in many cases a simple reboot can solve the problem.

2. Take a break first

Computer problems can cause huge frustrations.

We have all been there – we have deadlines and at the most critical point our computer stops working.

We sometimes feel like Read more